Thank you for all the updates! Super
Concerning Alt and Control -dragging: Thanks a lot, control-drag copying seems to work with effects now, feels much more intuitive. I wonder however if you would like to enable this behaviour for copying clips in mixspace timeline too? That would follow the same logic. If it's a problem for some specific usergroup who want to alt-drag copy audio clips, I wonder if an option for that could be made in the preferences? Copying clips with control dragging is quite common daw behavior I believe, so being able to do that might appeal to many users.
Concerning hiding tracks: If tracks with no output can be hidden, it would be a benefit, but you would still have to undo you routing for these tracks, which might be bit cumbersome. Imagine that you work with several tracks or buses going to several hardware outputs. In order to hide tracks you would have to undo output routings and remember them, then to route tracks again for outputs in order to use them again.
What about just a simple option for track right click menu to disable or enable the track? So no additional buttons would be needed. When enabled the menu option would be to disable track, and when track is disabled the option would be to enable it. If you want to, the track could get a visual change (pale colour etc) to differentiate it from enabled/active tracks. Then you could have one button somewhere to hide or show all disabled tracks?
I have also further feature suggestions..

I don't know if you have considered this but an option for sending (or receiving too) midi time code would be great. You could then synchronize local and remote machines to the one you use Soundop on. With virtual midi ports it can be sent to local software and over network with free software to other machines, so it's quite convenient. Of course there are other sync protocols also to consider. I'm using midi time code to sync an external computer running video with xjadeo for example. So the video playback load is off the main machine and screen I'm working on. I would also like to synchronize an external machine with daw in order to run analyzer software that have functions based on timeline position. I'm sending my master audio digitally to external computer that has screens filled with analyzer tools in order to have them always ready and not in the actual mastering sessions I work with. Makes life easier. But I'm sure the possibility to sychronize Soundop with other software/machines would have other applications too.
Another suggestion would be to enable spectogram view for specified (or all) clips in Mixspace view. Do you think this could be possible? Many times you can't see the information you need to from the waveform and it would be useful to see spectogram to better time clips to each other for example. If this is possible then maybe a track or clip based option or both could be used? Even if editing is not possible straight from the mixspace, just seeing spectogram for clip(s) would be useful.