
User help requested
Hello all,

I recently downloaded Soundop as a possible Audacity replacement. I really like what I've seen so far, but there is one critical ability in Audacity that I haven't found in Soundop. (I'm hoping that's my inability to find it, even with some searches of the manual, rather than the lack of a feature.) If I can find it, I'm confident that I'll make the switch, as Soundop seems very user friendly and I need something that uses much less drive space. (I'm a teacher who podcasts as a hobby, and I record up to a year in advance and edit in batches during school breaks.)

In Audacity, I can edit three files simultaneously, with one file per speaker. (It's usually two speakers, but we sometimes have guests.) I can see all on the display, and mute keyboard clicks and the like in one track without affecting the other two. I'm trying that in Soundop, and I only seem to be able to see them simultaneously in the mixspace, which doesn't have the editing tools (mostly "silence", copy, and paste) accessible. I can only access them in the audio file editor, in which case I can only see one at a time. 

I could do most of these if I could even load this as a stereo file, one speaker per ear, since 95% of our podcasts are just the two of us. When I try it that way, muting the left channel also seems to mute the right.

Please tell me: am I missing something? I'd love to know.

Messages In This Thread
User help requested - by fiziko42 - 02-12-2024, 08:15 PM
RE: User help requested - by ivosight - 02-14-2024, 01:00 AM